@ Performing Artiste
Drama is a powerful genre or medium, which looks at real life situations and plays them out on stage. In the Bible, there are several instances where parables and stories have been told to illustrate real life situations. The Prophet Nathan told David the story of a rich man who had deprived a poor man of his one lamb, to illustrate how David had Uriah killed and took his wife Bathsheba. Jesus Christ himself taught his disciples through parables such as the ‘Wedding invitation,’ the ‘Good Samaritan,’ etc. All the stories had imageries depicting strong messages, which Jesus thought would be better conveyed through illustrations.
Harvest Theatre therefore follows the example of Jesus, by ministering to the world through storytelling, drama and dance. Through this powerful medium, the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Christ has been taken to the nations. Lives have been touched and transformed, and Harvest Theatre, through the gifts and talents that God has given to us will be vessels through which many will experience divine elevation this year.